chiropractic buildout hale Opio kauai

Leased signed! Thank You Hale 'Opio Kaua'i

Two days ago we dotted the I's and crossed those T's with our new Landlord, Hale 'Opio Kaua'i. After a smooth negotiation through Jim Mayfield President of Island Business and Commercial Brokerage we were able to close the deal in a win/win situation. I am personally excited to be at this location and working with Hale 'Opio Kaua'i.

So I want to make sure that you pay close attention to the following posts and emails as we will be releasing dates and times for upcoming events and opportunities. I want to send out a big Mahalo to Jimmy for making this process smooth and taking care of all our needs. Another big Mahalo to LaVerne Bishop for being so welcoming and supportive.

Now it's buildout time! Im looking forward to working with some of our talented designers and carpenters on the island. Be sure to subscribe to our email list at to get the updates!


Dr. Addison Bulosan
