Leased signed! Thank You Hale 'Opio Kaua'i

Two days ago we dotted the I's and crossed those T's with our new Landlord, Hale 'Opio Kaua'i. After a smooth negotiation through Jim Mayfield President of Island Business and Commercial Brokerage we were able to close the deal in a win/win situation. I am personally excited to be at this location and working with Hale 'Opio Kaua'i.

So I want to make sure that you pay close attention to the following posts and emails as we will be releasing dates and times for upcoming events and opportunities. I want to send out a big Mahalo to Jimmy for making this process smooth and taking care of all our needs. Another big Mahalo to LaVerne Bishop for being so welcoming and supportive.

Now it's buildout time! Im looking forward to working with some of our talented designers and carpenters on the island. Be sure to subscribe to our email list at to get the updates!


Dr. Addison Bulosan


The Dream: Update # 3 (Team Meeting)

Doctors from across the nation...

met this past weekend to fine-tune our craft and services.

That is one of the unique things about the company I am part of and the commitment we share. The Specific Chiropractic Center is a network of doctors that are committed to bringing the best care possible. 

We have four offices in California: Chico, Dublin, Oakland, Daly City, and let's not forget Colorado, Maine and Utah. So while some of the health issues happening here on Kaua'i may be particular to you, just know that when you are in our office there are others just like you that are receiving chiropractic care. 

With that, I wanted to share with you that we have narrowed down our negotiations and are on the brink of signing our lease. Pending our lease agreement, we will hopefully be located right in downtown Lihue off of Rice Street. 

Our buildout plans have maximized the efficiency of this office and we will be installing State of the Art technology to provide best quality care possible. A waiting list has secretly begun. Many of my family and friends are fighting for first in line! 

And guess what, because you are on this emailing list you ARE the first in line. If there is someone you know that may need my help please don't hesitate to connect us. My email is below and it would be an honor and privilege.

Until then, please stay aware of your email inbox because I will be sending special invitations to upcoming events. I hope to see you there!


Dr. Addison Bulosan

P.S. If you have a friend or family that may need help please make sure they subscribe to this email list by going to